May 7, 2009

Been a long time, I shouldn't have left you!!

I have been absent from my own blog for quite some time. I apologize to myself and to what few readers I may have for such an extended period of neglect.

Over the past year a lot has changed in my life. I begin and will soon be ending a 10 month agreement where I worked as a Graduate Assistant in Fraternity & Sorority Life at IUPUI in Indianapolis, IN. It was an amazing experience that I will reflect upon frequently over the course of my life.

As things pertain to academics; I realized that Higher Education Student Affairs, while an intriguing career path, it was not and I do not anticipate it ever becoming my life-long passion or purpose in life.

Since January of 2008 I have been actively pursuing admission into one of our nations many distinguished law schools. It was indeed a very challenging process managing my current graduate work, family, friends, and preparing to be successful in the law school admissions process. I solicited the help of friends currently enrolled in law school, administrators/professors from my undergraduate institution, and various attorneys. Dr. Everette Freeman, Natalece Washington, Ms. Sharon "Nyota" Tucker, Mr. Maurice Elliard and few other who I am not sure would like to have their names mentioned were extremely instrumental in my success as an applicant.

Fast forward to May of 2009 and I graduated with a Master's of Science in Education from Indiana University-Bloomington. I have also managed to somehow finagle my way into the #23 law school in the nation Indiana University Maurer School of Law class of 2012.

My most recent accomplishments have opened my eyes to a number of amazing personal revelation about my own life and life in general. The first being that everything happens for a reason. I would often question my own logic for enrolling into a graduate program I new very little about and traveling to a region of the country that is far from similar to the area of south Georgia that I call home. However, I have come to appreciate the distance Indiana University created between myself and every distraction that prevented me from pursuing my dreams of going to law school. I have also come to appreciate the knowledge obtained through the HESA program at IU. I have learned a great about my own personal development as a young person and have begun to use it as catapult towards my future of greatness.

As the summer draws to a close I reflect on my participation in the Indiana CLEO program for minority soon to be first year law students. I have the utmost respect for all the individuals who make this program available. Through the ICLEO program I have dined with the Chief Justice, chatted with the first African American woman to sit on the Indiana Supreme Court, and shook hands with members of the most prestigious law firm in Indianapolis. Growing up I would always tell folks I wanted to be an attorney and as a matured that turned into a Super Sports Agent. However, after participating in ICLEO my eyes are open to all the opportunities the legal profession has to offer.

Most importantly I have an even better understanding of how important it is to give back to the community, any community, and help get some more of our youth into law school. Their experiences will help shape the future of our country. We need to encourage our friends young and old to seek higher education so that we can be able recipients of the nations push for diversity.

Keep on pushin and and Protect the Investment!!!

Secondly, I have come to appreciate Gods promise. He has plans for his people that we often mess up by thinking we can deviate from the master plan if you will. A sermon here in Indiana helped me better understand our ongoing battle with fear and insecurities