December 16, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss

Today marks the official end of my first semester as a graduate student. In my transition from the Southern United States to the Mid-west I have experienced a great deal. Some of the those experiences have been negative and others extremely positive. However, in spite of the experiences degree of positivity or negativity I have become a more complex individual. As I maneuver through life I have come to the realization that knowledge is a key factor in complexity. In fact knowledge provides individuals who seek and successfully attain it, a view of life from an amazing vantage point. This view which transcends dimensions reeks of commitment and responsibility which is often ignored. As one so fortunately obtains a breath of knowledge it will make life much more complex and cause you to analyze that which you would otherwise consider trivial. With the ability to see what others cannot, a responsibility to enlighten and liberate others from the prison of ignorance should finds its way onto your agenda. Unfortunately, the "talented tenth" has a tendency to neglect effectively communicating our shortcomings or provide a solution. Post civil rights the intellectuals of our race often hoard the knowledge as if were created for there use alone, or utilize precious intellectual riches to advance a personal agenda. Selfishness perpetuates poverty, imprisonment of our men, and the mis education of our youth. In pursuit of advanced degrees and ultimately greatness we must acknowledge the need to give back. Without drawing the masses a road map to liberation and enlightenment through education our people will continue to wonder aimlessly in the wilderness of mediocrity. We must answer the call to leadership and begin to close this gap in achievement or continue to self destruct. The intended purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge, thoughts, and opinions on the plight of my people, BLACK PEOPLE. Liberation one word at a time!!!! Keep on pushing!!!

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